Faulty Towers - A personal weblog about the bizarre goings on in a hotel and in the life of its gay receptionist. - http://faultytowershotel.blogspot.com
Fishy Bowl - Diary, photos, digital and natural artwork, stories and archives. - http://fish.uc.org
Funny Moods - A woman from Wisconsin describes thirty-something life which does not resemble the television show! - http://funnymoods.com/journal.html
Forbis, Wil - The Acid Logic Blogger - Topics range from films and music to politics and sexual diseases. Also features Acid Radio, streaming spoken word / rant internet radio show. - http://acidlogic.com/weblogs/blogger.htm
15 Megs of Fame: A Journal - Just a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder. - http://restlessmind.diaryland.com/
Freelove, Ezra - Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric - An information technologist expresses his true thoughts and feelings on whatever anything that creeps under his skin. - http://sneezypb.pitas.com/
Fresh Hell - Things that alternately amuse, and annoy. - http://fresh-hell.com/journal
FootNotes - An ongoing tale of recovery, romance and uncomfortable shoes. - http://www.secraterri.com
Ftrain - A personal journal about life in New York City. - http://www.ftrain.com
Fickle.org - A 20-something girl from California. - http://fickle.org
February Stars - Life, love and other minutiae. - http://www.februarystars.org