Letters from the Fire - A novel about the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia which explores issues of love and war in cyberspace. - http://www.lettersfromthefire.com/
Magnolia Hill - An array of fiction by author Karlene Kubat, offered in PDF format for download. - http://www.magnoliahill.com
Writings by Oliver Benjamin - Free novels available for download. - http://www.oliverbenjamin.net/writings.html
Queen of Heaven - Fictional biography of Mary Magdalene. - http://www.marymagdalene.ca
North Parade - Internet novel available both as a complete book and as individual chapters, selectable by the reader. - http://www.webscribe.fsnet.co.uk/
The Flower's Desire - Suicide Note: Case 019. This is a 17-year-old white male high school student with no previous attempts who died by drowning during a youth group retreat. - http://desire.trippy.org/
Timberline - This novel explores how far we have come from our animal roots, and yet how close we still are to our prehistoric forbears, through the story of two children raised by wolves in an English forest. - http://website.lineone.net/~crowseed/sam/timber.html
Crow Magic - A bolt of lightning strikes a girl and a passing crow. She becomes convinced that the bird is her brother from another time or lifetime, and resolves to rescue his soul from the Underworld. - http://website.lineone.net/~crowseed/crowmagic/crow.html
Wideawake - Twelve novels with a spiritual theme. - http://www.iolfree.ie/~wideawake/
The Ratcatcher - A political thriller involving Lithuanian mafia and European neo-nazis. - http://www.marlab.dk/ratcatcher
Omega - Omega returns the adult reader to the world of childhood imagination: a world populated by the fantastic, the fabulous and the thoroughly improbable. - http://www.asstr.org/~Bradley_Stoke/NonAdult/omega_toc.htm
Persephone's Torch - A mystery set against the world of 1930's theatre life. - http://www.uninets.net/~thornsjo/files/soup3.html
Inquest - A fantasy serial in which a family is asked to produce a biography of an enigmatic wealthy professor. - http://www.complete-review.com/fiction/inquest/index.htm
The Body Missing Project - The multi-lingual story of 16 Canadian and German artists and their inquirey into the art-theft policies of the Third Reich. - http://www.yorku.ca/BodyMissing/intro.html
An urban-fox novel - A story of people and foxes sharing a Manchester suburb. - http://orgs.man.ac.uk/projects/urban-fox/book.html
Sword Dance - A military helicopter crashes killing 24 of Britain's most senior intelligence officers. A political thriller set in Scotland. - http://www.tartanhen.co.uk/sword/
Bob Takes a Walk - Novella, in three parts. - http://home.earthlink.net/~jdc24/e5a43c8/bobIntro.htm
To Wyoming - Portrait of America. - http://www.towyoming.com
Ocean of Love - A novel about carnatic music students in South India, by Martin Frank. - http://freeweb.econophone.ch/martin-frank/ocean-sam-e.htm
Second Coming - By changing his point of view, an author is caught in a dilemma: Save his failing career or instigate the end of the world. - http://www.donnee.com
When Truth Kills Truth - By Peter Simon. Set mostly in Switzerland and on the Mont-Blanc, its protagonist is Robert Banks, a 35 year old British spy. - http://www.petersimon.net
Tales from the Hollow Earth - An illustrated hypertext fiction set in an alternative cosmology. - http://www.hollowearth.co.uk
Official Site of Lala Corriere - Pre-publishing information on her new novel, The Fragrance of Age. Excerpt included. - http://lalacorriere.com
Bret's Journals - A chronicle of a anti-hero's life through a series of comic and sometimes depraved situations. - http://www.bretsjournals.com
Guardians of the Secret - An online novel of ideas. A political thriller about secrets. - http://www.guardiansofthesecret.com
Darkzoo - The reader can click to read a multiple viewpoint novel, or choose to read the same general story from a particular character's point of view. Each of the views is a complete story. - http://www.darkzoo.net
Advantage God - A series of dreams ostensibly from God reveals new scientific secrets about the universe. - http://advantagegod.com
The Ghost of Alma Matterson - A novel by Kevin Delaney, the tale of a young man raised by computers. - http://www.rgreetings.com/alma/