Podles, Ewa - Biography, discography, performance schedule and pictures of the Polish contralto. [English/Polish] - http://www.podles.pl/
Zeffiro, Sharon - American contralto. Crossover singer who covers many genres of music. Sound clips, performance dates, booking, and photos. - http://www.sharonsings.com
Mercedes, Karen - American contralto. Resume, performances and links to favorite singers. - http://www.radix.net/~dalila/
Mann, Xenia Maria - Biography, repertoire, music samples, and pictures of the German contralto. [German/English] - http://www.xenia-maria-mann.com/
Hoogklimmer, Wiebke - German contralto and opera director from Berlin. Introduction to her vocal recital programmes (lieder) and to the sound of her voice (RealAudio and MP3). - http://www.wiebkehoogklimmer.de/starteng.htm
Drew, Lisa - Contralto in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area specializing in classical and early music. - http://www.killeralto.com/
Denley, Catherine - English contralto. Biography, Hyperion discography. - http://www.hyperion-records.co.uk/artist_page.asp?name=denley