Harmony Ranch Recreation Club - A campground in the heart of Ontario cottage country, built exclusively for barbershoppers, their families and friends. - http://www.harmonize.com/harmonyranch
Vocal Hall of Fame - Museum in Sharon Pennsylvania that contains both a Barbershop Hall of Fame and a Vocal Group Hall of Fame. - http://www.vocalhalloffame.com
The Larivee Company - The official travel agency of the Irish Association of Barbershop Singers. Specializing in barbershop harmony tours to Ireland - http://www.thelariveecompany.com/
Trailblazers, M-AD Barbershop Campers - Mid Atlantic District Barbershopper's who camp twice a year for fun, relaxation and lots of singing - http://www.bayliss.com/trailblazers/
Harmony Woods Recreation Club - A barbershop family campground located in southwestern Ontario. It is open to all SPEBSQSA, SAI and Harmony Inc. members from May 24th until October. - http://www3.sympatico.ca/pesm/