American Festival of Microtonal Music
- The AFMM produces and commissions works which use pitches and musical scales which are not organized in the standard twelve tone to the octave equally tempered way.
Julian Carrillo and the Thirteenth Sound - Mexican music creator of microtonal system called the 13th Sound. In English and Spanish. -
Huygens-Fokker Foundation - Center for microtonal music. Promotes microtonal music in all its forms. In English and Dutch. -
Lucy Tuning - Lucy Tuning is a microtonal music system derived from pi and the writings of John Harrison. -
Microtonal Music - Microtonal music page with large list of composers, mp3, WAV, MIDI, and Real Audio files of microtonal music. -
Microtonal Music on CD - Offers a discography of microtonal, xenharmonic, non-12 tone music. Contains addresses for record labels, and links to the artists. -
LucyScale Developments - LucyTuning is a microtonal system derived from pi, and the writings of John 'Longitude' Harrison. -