Einstein`s Wardrobe - Site contains pictures, a discography, and information about the band. - http://www.soundclick.com/bands/6/einsteinswardrobe.htm
Emily Shrine, The - Four-piece group, based in Carbondale, Illinois, US. Includes history, lyrics, schedule, photographs, and biography. - http://www.emilyshrine.com/
Ellis, John - Site contains news, a discography, and a biography on the artist. - http://www.mapoflimbo.co.uk/
Easwind, Theo - A New York City singer-songwriter. With news, background, show dates, MP3s, lyrics and shopping. - http://www.theoeastwind.com/
Electric Shaman - Official site with biography, photographs, and news. - http://www.qdef.com/shaman
Eclectic Bastards, The - Includes show dates, MP3s, and merchandise. - http://www.bastardrecords.com/