Gocoo - Progressive ensemble of men and women from Tokyo. News, profiles, performances, MP3s and videos, discography, reviews, and merchandise. [English/German] - http://www.gocoo.de
Kiyoshi Nagata Ensemble - Toronto, Canada group. Includes biography, performance schedule, descriptions of the instruments, photo galleries, CD ordering, and links. - http://citd.utsc.utoronto.ca/nagata
Gorin Taiko - New York-based group founded by member of Sukeroku Taiko. - http://www.gorintaiko.com/
Northwest Taiko - Community based Japanese drumming group that has been performing in the Seattle area and pacific northwest region since 1985. Includes schedule and photos. - http://home.comcast.net/~satgav/nwt.htm
taikoproject - An American taiko drumming/theatrical production: news, concept, biographies, photos, and contact information. - http://www.taikoproject.com/
Shin Daiko - A taiko group in Germany. Taiko information, photographs, audio, video, profiles, and links. In German, Japanese, and English. - http://www.shin-daiko.de/
Yakudo - Ontario-based taiko group, a progression of the former Toronto Suwa Daiko, which was founded in 1981. Biographies, past and upcoming performances, photographs, and class information. - http://www.yakudo.com/
Fubuki Daiko - Winnipeg-based taiko group. Performance schedule with festival links, photographs, interview, and CD and t-shirt ordering. - http://www.fubuki.ca/
Amanojaku - Tokyo-based group formed in 1986 that adds elements of western and modern music to its taiko base. Repertoire, performances, members' profiles, and photo gallery. In Japanese and English. - http://www.pat.hi-ho.ne.jp/amanojaku/