d'Azurém, Joaquim - Biography, discography, and performance schedule for a Portuguese guitar virtuoso. - http://joaquimdazurem.123som.com/
Pontes, Dulce - Official website offers her profile, discography, audio samples and news. - http://www.dulcepontes.net/
Marceneiro, ALfredo Duarte (1891-1982) - Biography, discography and tributes to the artist on the centenary of his birth. - http://www.alfredomarceneiro.com/
Guerreirro, Katia - A review on BBC of her "Nas Maos do Fado". Includes a brief profile and samples tracks. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/world/reviews/katia_nas.shtml
World Music Central - Provides a list of artists. - http://www.worldmusiccentral.org/artists/genre_list.php?genre=Fado
de Fátima, Maria - Biography, discography, and tour dates of a fado singer. - http://www.mariadefatima.com/
Branco, Cristina - Biography, discography and tour dates. - http://www.cristinabranco.com/
Moura, Ana - Fado vocalist. Biography, discography, and appearance schedule. - http://www.anamoura.com/
Mané - Profile, discography, and news of the fadista. - http://mane-fado.ifrance.com/