Welsh Traditional Music - Information on the tradition, with directories of sessions, workshops, bands, tunes (in abc format), and a discussion forum. - http://www.welshtraditionalmusic.com/
Wales - A collection of Welsh lyrics, many with midi tunes. From a German collection of world-wide folk music. - http://ingeb.org/catwal.html
TRAC - Organization promoting the development of folk music and dance in Wales. News, and listings of events, festivals, performers, and organisations. (Cymraeg and English) - http://www.trac-cymru.org/
Celfyddydau Mari Arts - Organization created to research, preserve and encourage the use of the traditional arts of song, music, dance, drama and storytelling. Includes listings, information about bands, news, and a growing archive of related materials. - http://www.folkwales.org.uk/