Introduction to the Music of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia - Presents the traditional music of the area, its history and roots, with a guide to recordings and artists. -
Cape Breton Music Online - The gateway to Cape Breton Music on the Internet. It features news and links, a comprehensive industry directory, an events calendar, resource section, and free radio. -
Ceilidh Trail School of Celtic Music - Offers courses in fiddle, piano accompaniment, guitar accompaniment, Cape Breton-style highland piping, Gaelic seminars, and Cape Breton step-dance. Located in Inverness, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. -
Cranford Publications - Specialize in Celtic fiddle music from Cape Breton, Ireland and Scotland. Offers online shopping for recordings and books; also maintains a large collection of tunes (in standard notation and "abc", and online indexes of tunes. -