Teatro alla Scala (La Scala) - (Milan) The world-famous opera house (official site): calendar, history, news, biographies, pictures, audio and video samples, and large database. - http://www.teatroallascala.it
New Opera Festival di Roma - All classical genres are performed. Program, classes, and International Opera Academy information. [English/Italian] - http://www.newoperafestivaldiroma.com/
Constanzi Theatre - Box office information for the theatre in Rome. - http://www.tourome.com/costanzi.htm
Operafestival di Roma - A non-profit, educational organization offering musicians from all nations to study opera and perform in Rome every summer. - http://www.operafest.com/
Teatro Comunale of Bologna - Information about the theatre, productions and performances, archives and tours. Online calendar and ticketing. [English/Italian] - http://www.comunalebologna.it/