Shelley van Loen and the Palmcourt Strings - (UK) Two violins, cello and bass with piano and drums playing salon music from the 1920s and 1930s in period attire. Includes a band history, photos, sound clips and booking information. -
Elite Syncopation - Quintet consisting of clarinet, violin, cello, piano and bass recreating authentic ragtime and early jazz performances materials. -
Mezjuev, Oleg - Russian-born ragtime pianist living in Sweden. Photo, auto-biography, links to sheet music. -
Birnbaum, Mark - Ragtime, jazz and blues pianist, staff musician for Joe Franklin television show, with a doctorate from Columbia University. MP3s, articles about ragtime and jazz history, reviews and interviews. -
Stargold Music - Pianist and bassist playing "Tennessee Rhythm and Ragtime" for parties, and offering antique sheet music for sale. -
Keller, Sue - Biographical page from the Northern Virginia Ragtime Society about the performer, who is also founder of the Ragtime Press, which sells original sheet music online. -
Dyson, Phillip - British concert pianist specializing in Scott Joplin and Billy Mayerl. Biography and email. -
Paragon Ragtime Orchestra - Year-round, professional organization performing ragtime-era music: vaudeville hits, silent movie accompaniments, and dance-hall favorites. -
Ragtime Society Frankfurt - Performs historical band arrangements from the ragtime era. Concept, performances, musicians, repertoire, MIDIs and sheet music covers, recordings, ragtime discussion forum. -
Castle, Jo Ann - Ragtime and honky-tonk pianist's biography, discography, press reviews, tour dates, and contact information. -