Pitchfork Review: Deadringer - Sam Chennault reviews the album. [8.8/10] - http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/21363
Revolutions Live: RJD2 Interview - Interview with David Ma discusses upcoming tours, DJ Shadow comparisons, preferred equipment, and the state of modern hip hop. - http://www.revolutionslive.com/rjd2interview.htm
Metroactive: "Out of the Shadows" - Mosi Reeves reviews "Deadringer." - http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/09.26.02/rjd2-0239.html
Prefix Magazine: RJD2: No Sound Barrier - Interview features topics such as video games, deejaying, and the constant comparison of RJD2 to DJ Shadow by critics. - http://www.prefixmag.com/features.php?t=interview&f=rjd2
Stylus Magazine: Deadringer - Tony Van Groningen gives the album a B+. - http://www.stylusmagazine.com/review.php?ID=881
MTV.com: RJD2 - Includes music videos and biographical information. - http://www.mtv.com/bands/az/rjd2/artist.jhtml