John Chambers' ABC Music Collection - John Chambers' collection of contradance music in abc format, categorized by dance style. -
Eric Foxley's Music Database - A database of over 1000 traditional British related folk dance tunes, searchable by musical content. -
Wild Dismay Tunes - About 100 dance tunes, mostly Irish, in ABC, GIF, and MIDI formats. -
Spuds Tunes - A collection of reels, jigs and others, in abc and notation (gif format); also include links to other tune sites. -
The English Dancing Master by John Playford - Playford's tunes in abc format - the first collection of popular dance tunes published in the British Isles, in 1651. -
An ABC Library of Morris Tunes - A library of morris tunes from the traditions of a number of different English villages (mainly Adderbury and Bledington). [abc format] -
Country Dance Society Boston Centre - A collection of English country dance tunes in mp3 format, live recordings at dance length and tempo. -