Pipe and Tabor Page - A page by John Byron Boyd outlining the history of the instrument. - http://www.minstrel.us/tabor.htm
The Pipe and Tabor - An address to a Society of Morris Dancers, Oxford, February 12, 1914, by Sir Francis Darwin (Son of Sir Charles Darwin). - http://chrisbrady.itgo.com/pipntab/pipntab.htm
The pipe and tabor - The history of the pipe and tabor with audio samples. - http://www.music.iastate.edu/antiqua/pipetabr.htm
The Taborers Society - Organizers of the International Pipe and Tabor Festival. - http://www.pipeandtabor.org/
The Gloucester International Pipe and Tabor Festival - Photographs and a report about this festival, which covered all aspects of the instruments and included performances, seminars, instructions and master classes from experts from the piping world. - http://ds.dial.pipex.com/phil.day/gloucester_international_pipe_an.htm
Pipe and Tabor - The one-man-band of the Renaissance is the ideal instrument for Morris (and other) dancing. Site includes history, list of manufactures, references and links. - http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/ijs/pipe-and-tabor.html