Polyteknikkojen Kuoro - The Polytech Choir: an academic male choir whose singers are students and graduates of the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. Information about the choir and its recordings in English and Finnish. - http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/en/
Prudhoe Gleemen - Male voice choit from 1903, with around 50 members ranging from sixth-formers to fairly senior citizens. Northumberland, England. - http://freespace.virgin.net/jf.walker/pglee/
Provincial Masonic Male Voice Choir - Amongst other things, the choir provides musical illustrations for lectures on Music in Masonry, public concerts, and Cathedral & Church Services. Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, England. - http://www.cyberware.co.uk/~ddm221/page6.html
Pontypridd Male Choir - Details of the choir, including audio clips and a list of forthcoming engagements. - http://www.davnor.force9.co.uk/