Purdue University TrumPets - Features roster, image galleries, calendar of events, fight song lyrics and forum. - http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~ddjemiso/PurdueTrumpets/
Stanford University Trumpz Sexion - Includes roll call, links, songs, and a trumpet quiz. - http://www.stanford.edu/group/lsjumb/trumpz/index.htm
Cornell University Big Red Trumpets - Extensive site includes traditions, chants, images, and biographies of current and past members. - http://www.trumpets.org/
University of Pittsburgh Varsity Marching Band Trombones - Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA this marching band has been around since 1911. This site includes a personnel roster, pictures, and plenty of things to do. - http://www.pittband.com/sections.aspx?section=Trombone
LBJ Trombone Homepage - Trombone section of Lyndon B. Johnson High School in Austin Texas. Links, pictures, sounds, humor. - http://www.waldos.net/lbjbones/
Iowa State University Superior Saxes - Features news, lists current and past members, and include photo galleries. - http://www.isucfvmb.org/saxes/
University of Notre Dame Basses - Lists current members, recent alumni, and includes school song lyrics, traditions and humorous glossary of term. - http://www.nd.edu/~basses
Cornell University Big Red Bones - Features the history, traditions, current roster, alumni, and image and audio files of the trombone and baritone sections. - http://www.bones.org/
University of Texas Longhorn Band Trombones - Self-proclaimed "The Stupid," and professing to have two ways of playing, loud and off. Lists current members and includes news, membership information, discussion forum, photo and video files. - http://www.texastrombones.net