Drum Corps Wiki - The open-content, online drum corps encyclopedia. - http://www.drumcorpswiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
Drum Corps Wallpapers - Collection of files with previews. - http://www.musumeche.com/wallpapers/index.htm
Star of Indiana Brass and Percussion Corps - a unique non-profit music education institution based in Bloomington, Indiana. Performs Brass Theater. DCI World Champions in 1991 when a D&B Corps. - http://www.cookgroup.com/star/
Drumcorps FAQ Index - Information about Drum Corps, the activity and the rec.arts.marching.drumcorps newsgroup. - http://www.faqs.org/faqs/drumcorps-faq/
United States Naval Academy Drum and Bugle Corps - The USNA Drum and Bugle Corps provides musical support for the Brigade of Midshipmen. Founded in 1914, it is the oldest drum and bugle corps in existence. Based in Annapolis, MD. - http://www.usna.navy.mil/USNADB/
Drum Corps World - The main newspaper of the Drum Corps World. Provides scores and reviews of contests. - http://www.drumcorpsworld.com/
DCI Repertoire History - Contains a searchable database of junior drum and bugle corps repertoires. - http://www.corpsreps.com