Sweetheart Flute Company - Ralph Sweet's instruments, including folk fifes, historic flutes, Irish flutes and whistles. Instrument details, prices, and pictures. - http://www.sweetheartflute.com/
Casey Burns Flutes - American flutemaker offers Irish and historic flutes, specializing in ergonomic and small-handed flutes. - http://www.caseyburnsflutes.com/
Historical Woodwinds - Maker of historical flutes and recorders, site includes descriptions of models, care information and related links. - http://www.historicalwoodwinds.be/
Side Blown Technologies - Maker of bamboo flutes and headjoints. Maintenance guide, music, pictures, and links. - http://www.sideblown.com/
Erik the Bamboo Flute Maker - Bamboo flutes, whistles, saxophones, and other musical instruments. - http://www.eriktheflutemaker.com/
Flutemaker Thomas Fehr - Maker of historical flutes and recorders, based in Switzerland. - http://www.floetenbau.ch
Mark Hoza's Kything Flutes - Handmade wooden flutes and headjoints. Irish style keyless flutes and wooden headjoints for silver flutes. - http://www.woodenflutemaker.com/
Boaz Berney Historical Flutes - Renaissance, Baroque and Romantic flutes modeled after originals in museums and in private collections. - http://berneyflutes.com/
M and E Irish Flutes - Traditional Irish flutes by Michael Cronnolly of County Mayo, Ireland. - http://homepage.eircom.net/~mandeflutes/
Folkers and Powell: Historical Flutes - Makes copies of baroque, classical, and renaissance transverse flutes. Books, newsletter and research information. - http://www.baroqueflute.com
Simon Polak - Copies of baroque flutes: pictures; brief history of the flute; information on tuning and temperaments. - http://www.earlyflute.com/
Clive Catterall Baroque Flutes - Baroque and early classical flutes. Information, manufacturing methods, and pictures. - http://www.flutes.fsbusiness.co.uk/