PolyKrome Brass - [Chicago, Illinois, US] Traditional group with a twist, playing traditional repertoire as well as couture arrangments of disco, jazz, and novelty tunes. Musician photos and biographies, audio samples. - http://polykromebrass.com
Gaudete Brass Quintet - Midwest-based ensemble offers testimonials from clients from Chicago, Milwaukee, and across the US. With musician biographies, CD sales, and photo-illustrated blog about a tour in a 15-passenger van. - http://www.gaudetebrass.com
Bel Canto Brass Quintet - [Cork, Ireland] Specialising in church music for weddings but can also play jazz. - http://www.belcantobrassquintet.com
Black Diamond Brass - [Seattle, Washington, US] Group formed in 2001, available for weddings, commencements, and school programs. With history, audio, and photos. - http://www.blackdiamondbrass.com
The Menlo Brass Quintet - [San Francisco Bay, California, US] Lists concert performance schedule, wedding programs, popular programs, Christmas programs and recordings inlcuding commissioned original works. - http://www.menlobrass.com/
Prizm Brass Quintet - [Colorado, US] Ensemble of female performers playing classical music, jazz, ragtime and show tunes for weddings, concerts, and special events. Photo, audio samples, downloadable booking form. - http://www.prizmbrass.com
Occasional Brass Quintet (Boston, MA) - History, biographies, songlist, samples, pricing, and contact information for this Boston-based, fun and vibrant brass quintet. - http://www.occasionalbrass.com/
Brass Kamarades - (Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada) - Historic origins, calendar of performances, musician biographies. Their artistic prestations and humorous musical energy makes this brass ensemble one of the most popular of its kind in the Montérégie. - http://www.brasskamarades.com/home-en.html
Chicago Brass Quintet - (Chicago, IL) Biographies, discography, performances, master classes, and repertoire. - http://www.chicagobrassquintet.com
Texas Brass Ensemble - (Woodlands, Texas) Sounds of the South are the hallmark of this ensemble. Web site features biographies, concerts, clinics, educational programs, festivals, weddings, and other events. - http://www.texasbrass.com
OnyxBrass - (UK) Highly acclaimed brass quintet. Web site features biographies, recordings, repertoire, educational outreach programs, reviews, and news. Their repertoire focuses on newly commissioned works for the brass quintet and choir. - http://www.onyxbrass.co.uk
Tempus Brass - Information on the members, past and upcoming events, available repetoire and also utilises guestbook and blog features. - http://www.tempusbrass.co.uk
The Resurrection Brass - (Indiana) Weddings, corporate events, special events. Quintet programs, sound files, and references are available. - http://www.resurrectionbrass.com/
The Kona Brass - - (Hawaii) Quintet programs, Talk-Story Concerts, weddings, dinners and receptions. Their music spans 600 years of musical styles, from classical through contemporary. - http://konabrass.com
The Honolulu Brass - (Oahu, Hawaii) Schedule of upcoming concerts. Repertoire incluces classical and modern brass ensemble chamber music. - http://www.chambermusichawaii.com/hbq.html
Ottoni Brass Ensemble - (Ireland) Member biographies, music, history, and future plans. - http://www.ottoniensemble.com
Stone Mountain Brass - (Stone Mountain, Georgia) Music for weddings and other special events. - http://www.stonemountainbrass.com
The Lyric Brass Quintet - The Lyric Brass Quintet is comprised of players in The Baltimore-Washington D.C. area. They perform recitals, concerts, and provide music for special occasions. - http://www.lyricbrass.com/
Brass Express - Maryland-based professional brass quintet performing at weddings, graduations, parties and corporate events. Photos, artist biographies, repertoire and audio. - http://brassexpress.com
Woodstock Brass Quintet - Woodstock, New York based group offers links to gig calendar with photo and contact information. - http://www.woodstockbrassquintet.com
The Festival Brass of Dallas - (Dallas, TX) Since 1979, the Festival Brass has provided comprehensive music services for upscale weddings in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area. - http://www.festivalbrassofdallas.com
The Celebration Brass Quintet - (Chicago, US): Diary, contact information, player profile, repertoire - http://cbq.bravepages.com/
Innovata Brass - Boston, US based quintet. Discography and diary. - http://www.innovatabrass.com
Bala Brass - (Boston, MA) The contemporary ensemble, Bala Brass, is a brass quintet winning over the hearts of audiences around the globe with its infectious spirit and enthusiastic performances. - http://www.balabrass.org
Tower Brass Quintet - Members, recordings, booking information, list of concerts. - http://www.towerbrassquintet.com/
Fog City Brass - (San Francisco, CA, US): Biographies, photo, concert information. - http://www.fogcitybrass.com
Bay Street Brassworks - (Baltimore, MD, US): Professional brass quintet. Biographies, photos, repertoire, audio clips, booking information. - http://www.baystreetbrassworks.com
Brass Roots Brass Quintet - (Fallbrook, CA, USA): Southern California quintet. Biographies, sample recordings, photo album, and contact information. - http://www.brassquintet.net/
Trafalgar Brass - Professional brass quintet. Features biographies, repertoire, photos, audio clips, and description of CD. London, UK. - http://www.trafalgarbrass.btinternet.co.uk
Austin City Brass - (Austin, TX, US): Professional brass quintet. Biographies, schedule, audio clips, photos. - http://www.austincitybrass.com
Foothills Brass Quintet - (AB, Canada): Full time professional quintet. Concert schedules, educational resources, programs, recordings, biographies, and contact information. - http://www.foothillsbrass.ab.ca
Boston Brass - Includes photographs, biographies, tour schedule, and recording samples. - http://www.bostonbrass.com/
True North Brass - Canadian brass quintet: biographies, news and history - http://www.truenorthbrass.com
Long Beach Community Band - Holiday music by the Boardwalk Brass. Membership details, contact information, and calendar. - http://www.webconnections.com/LBCB/
Windsor Brass Ensemble - Performs at events in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area and northern Wisconsin. Music samples and biographies. - http://www.windsorbrass.com/
White Nights Brass Home Site - (St. Petersburg, Russia): Membership information, history of the quintet, diary page and discography. - http://wnb.narod.ru/
Monumental Brass Quintet - (DC, US): Biographies, contact information, diary, press cuttings, discography and works commissioned. - http://www.monumentalbrass.org
Rekkenze Brass - (Germany) Diary, discography and contacts. English and German - http://www.rekkenze.de
Dallas Brass - Group and contact information; discography with MP3 samples. - http://www.dallasbrass.com
American Brass Quintet - Quintet promotes brass chamber music as a serious chamber music medium. Site contains newsletter, events schedule, contact information. - http://www.americanbrassquintet.org
Chestnut Brass Company - Uses a variety of historical and modern brasses. Reviews, band information, recordings, educational programs, and events. - http://www.chestnutbrass.com/
Legend Brass Quintet - Performing and teaching since 1985, it is available for Summer Brass Camps. - http://www.legendbrass.com/
Chicago Classic Brass - The Chicago Classic Brass performs a unique repertoire of light classical and popular selections including works by Bach, Bizet, Gershwin, Joplin, and Sousa. - http://www.chicagoclassicbrass.com/
Santa Cruz Brass - History, repertoire, members, and pictures. - http://www.scottharris.com/brass/
Westwind Brass - California brass ensemble, in residence at San Diego State University, and San Diego Museum of Art. - http://www.westwindbrass.org/
Equinox Chamber Players - Professional nonprofit chamber music ensemble. History, festival details, events, biographies, and contact information. - http://www.equinoxchamberplayers.org/
Paramount Brass - Brass quintet in residence at the Boston Conservatory of Music. - http://www.paramountbrass.com/
Philadelphia Brass - Brass quintet site with information regarding concert schedules as well as musical clips from recordings. - http://www.philadelphiabrass.com/
The Canadian Brass - Members, history of the ensemble, news, recordings, and merchandise. - http://www.canbrass.com/
Empire Brass - (Boston, MA) Member biographies, tour schedule, reviews, recordings, Empire Brass line of sheet music. - http://www.empirebrass.com/
Brass Act Brass Quintet - Specializing in music for weddings, churches, and parties. - http://www.brassact.com
Manhattan Brass Quintet - Recitals, recordings, international television and radio appearances, special events, and free-to-the-public educational and community concerts. Dedicated to advancing brass chamber music through performing, documenting and educating. - http://manhattanbrassquintet.org/