Borders Fiddle Style - A brief description of the particularities of the style, with links to information on Borders fiddlers, and audio files. -
Scottish Fiddle Music - A history of fiddling in Scotland, with articles on regional styles - in Shetland, Orkney, West Highlands, North East, East Coast and Borders. -
The Fiddle Tradition of the Shetland Isles - A review of an ethnomusicological study of island fiddling. -
Shetland Fiddle Style - An article on the specific characteristics of the islands' fiddle style, and its links to Norwegian Hardanger fiddle. -
The Fiddle Tradition of North-East Scotland - A description and history of fiddle-playing in Banchory, Tarland and Fochabers, with video and audio clips, biographies of well-known historical and modern fiddlers. -