Peter Bennett - Concert glass harpist and street entertainer. Includes biography, performance schedule, sound clips, CD ordering, and a lesson plan for teachers. -
Brien Engel - Biography, recordings, and a curriculum guide for school performances by the glass harpist. -
The Chrysler Museum of Art: Grand Harmonicon - Photograph and history of the instrument developed and manufactured by Francis H. Smith in the early 1800s. Includes a score, resources, and brief discography. -
The World of Glass Music - Profile of glass musician Clemens Hofinger, reviews, upcoming performances, and audio samples. Also includes history, photographs and descriptions of the armonica, glass harp, and verrophone. [English/German] -
Glass Music - Profiles of Martin Hilmer and Beate Fürbache, their performance programs, historical development of glass music, and descriptions and photographs of musical glasses, the euphone, and the verrophone. [English/German/Japanese] -