Opossum Sally's Pan Ring - Web ring of sites about the steelpan, including instrument information, bands, tuners, and events. - http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=panring
The Pan Blog - News of interest to the steel pan community - http://www.steeldrum.net/panblog/
Steelpan Science - Explains how steel pans are built, the instrument's origins, and layout standards - http://www.scienceinafrica.co.za/2003/september/steelpan.htm
Steel Pans: A Brief History - Explains the development of the steel pan since the instrument's birth in 1938 - http://www.lafi.org/magazine/articles/steel.html
Pan Trinbago - The world governing body for steelpan worldwide. Profiles, competitions, news, events, performers, music and history. - http://www.pantrinbago.co.tt/