Piano Technicians Guild - Washington DC Chapter
- Promotes the highest possible service and technical standards among piano tuners and technicians. Includes officers and a guide to local piano technicians.
- http://www.dcptg.org/
Ashburn Piano Service - Serving Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Includes rates and services, links and contact information. - http://www.ashburnpianoservice.com/
Chevy Chase Piano Company - Specializing in tuning and voicing residential pianos. Includes profile, services and tuning FAQ. - http://www.chevychasepiano.com/
Butler, Gregory W. - Based in Germantown, Maryland. Includes profile, piano care and resources. - http://www.gregorywbutlerrpt.com/
Ogden, James E. - Specializes in tuning, repair and sales of pianos, parts and accessories. Profile, services and products. - http://www.jeopianoexpert.com/
Burke, Don - Tuning, repair, action regulation and rebuilding in the Washington metropolitan area and New Jersey. Includes services and links. - http://www.donburke.com/
Piano Expectations - Serving the District, Maryland and Northern Virginia. Includes technician profile, services and costs, discounts, piano maintenance hints and tuning FAQ. - http://www.pianoexpectations.com/
Beigel, Carol - Profile, services, including tuning, appraisals, climate control systems and Disklavier service, information on the purchase and care of pianos, MIDI player tools and links. - http://www.carolrpt.com/
Butler, Rick - Specializing in the care and restoration of Steinways and other grand pianos. Services include tuning, action regulation, voicing, restoration and assistance for buyers. Includes profile, references, and DVDs and books. - http://www.rickbutler.org/