The Longwood Gardens Organ - Historic and contemporary photographs, history and stoplist -
The Cavaillé-Coll Organ of Oloron (F) - English/French site; photos, history, list of concerts, MP3 recordings of this 1870 instrument. -
St Mary Magdalene, Holloway, London - The organ was originally built in 1814, the last church organ of George England. Brief history, photographs and specification. -
Institute of Historic Organs of Oaxaca Mexico - Non-profit organization that works to preserve Oaxaca's historic pipe organs. List of goals, newsletters, details of historic instruments. -
The Silbermann Organ in Freiberg Cathedral, Saxony - Description, photos, full specification of 1714 instrument. Profile of Gottfried Silbermann (1683-1753). Information about other Silbermann organs. -
Harris, Renatus - Biography of one of the formost 17th and early 18th century organ builders, many of whose instruments still remain in use. From the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio. -
The Gottfried Silbermann Organ Museum - Museum hours and information (including map), life of Silbermann, many photographs. -
Friends of the Wanamaker Organ - Illustrated history and specifications of the John Wanamaker Grand Court Organ in Philadelphia's Lord & Taylor Store. Details on the historic Wanamaker Store and its founders, as well as special concerts, publications and activities. -
Association Pro Musica - Organ Ahrend - Silbermann - Pro Musica organizes organ academy conducted by M. Radulescu of Vienna. The courses are given on the wonderful organ by J. Ahrend, the only reproduction in the West of Gottfried Silbermann. Location is in Porrentruy, Switzerland -
St. Pancratius Church, Hamburg-Neuenfelde - 1683 Schnitger organ threatened by airport runway expansion. Organ history and specifications, travel information, preservation activism details. -
The Pipe Organs of Antwerp Cathedral - Information about the Schijven and Metzler organs, the cathedral organist, recitals and recordings. -
The Bamboo Organ of Las Piñas - The Official Site of the Bamboo Organ of Las Piñas, Philippines. -
St. Sulpice, Paris - The great instrument built by Cliquot and substantially reconstructed by Cavaillé-Coll. History, specification, discography, concert schedule. -
Lawrence Phelps and Associates - History of firm with opus list, selected articles, and profile of Phelps' wife, Dame Gillian Weir. -