Gottfried Silbermann, Master Organ Builder
- Photos, historical detail, locations of 31 original instruments, a visit to the Silbermann Museum, Silbermann organs on CD, contact and accommodation information.
Arp Schnitger, Organ Builder - English language Dutch site (English occasionally rusty); comprehensive listing of Schnitger organs, including dates, photos and specifications. -
The Pipe Organs of Youghal - A historic walled seaport town found in the mid-south of Ireland. Information about churches in the Youghal area with organ histories and specifications. -
The World's Largest Organs - International list of five manual organs and those greater than 100 ranks. -
Seattle Area Pipe Organ Scene - Information on local concerts, builders, radio programs. -
Pipe Organs of the Merrimack Valley - These Massachusetts organs were featured at the American Guild of Organists Regions I and II Convention, 1995. -
Osiris - How to use the Osiris Archive of organ specifications. -
Orgelkunst - Flemish magazine on organ art in Belgium with recent articles, reviews, announcements, publications, archives, calendar of organ concerts. -
Organs in Latvia - Includes information on Latvian organists, composers and organ builders as well as concert schedule for the famous Riga Dom organ (124/IV+P). -
Northern Ireland Pipe Organ Web Site - A central resource bringing together all aspects of the pipe organ scene within Northern Ireland. Email addresses of organists, specifications, lists of organ builders, recordings, details of recitals and lists of churches looking for organists. -
Chilean Pipe Organ Site - A catalog of extant organs, searchable by builder and type of location. -