Levnet -- Friends of the Theremin - The oldest theremin forum on the internet. Full archives and subscription form. - http://www.discoveret.org/mailman/listinfo/levnet
Thereminvox.com - Articles and interviews about the theremin and other electronic musical instruments, a theremin MP3 library, a theremin web directory and a shop. - http://www.thereminvox.com
Moog Music - Owned and operated by Robert Moog, manufactures theremins and other high-quality electronic musical instruments. - http://www.moogmusic.com/
The Musical Saw and Theremin Page - Information about theremins and musical saws. History, news, soundfiles, and upcoming performances. - http://www.theremin-saw.com/
Theremin World - Theremin information including bands who use them, photos and sound, message boards, where to buy theremins, how to build theremins, and a growing registry of the original RCA models. - http://www.thereminworld.com/
Theremin.info - Buy a theremin, music, books, CDs, and a large archive of related materials, including a number of sound files to download. - http://theremin.info/