Ernst Toch: Reconciling Traditional and Modern Trends - Biographical notes, portrait, key works, suggested reading, timeline, recommended reading, and historical and societal context from Heart's Ease. -
Ernst Toch - Filmography at IMDb with composer and orchestrator listings and Oscar nominations. Many entries are for stock or otherwise uncredited music. -
Ernst Toch Archive - Part of the UCLA Music Library's Special Collections. Includes music manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings of music and interviews with WAV format excerpts, printed scores, correspondence, printed books, and links. -
Toch Unbound - Atlantic Magazine resource includes several Real Audio recordings of excerpts of the composer's works. -
My Grandfather's Last Tale - An extended biography and analysis of Ernst Toch's life by his eldest grandson. Includes links to other resources by Atlantic Magazine. -
Atlantic: Ernst Toch Resources - Provides addresses for the Ernst Toch Archive at the University of Southern California Music Library and the Ernst Toch Society. Also includes the availability of various works. -