Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) - Karadar dictionary entry with life, portraits, related composers, MIDI audio samples, important compositions, and operas with character and libretto information for selected works. -
Jean-Philippe Rameau - Links, recommended recordings and books, new and forthcoming recordings, music editions and pictures from -
Classical Music Archives: Biography of Rameau - Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Over 30 files offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists. -
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Epitome of French music 1683-1764 - Analysis of his style and the aesthetic wars in Parisian opera between the French and Italian styles. -
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Catholic Encyclopedia article with life, summaries of religious and secular works, and commentary on his advances in music theory and composition. -
Jean Phillipe Rameau (1683-1764) - Message board and live chat about the life and works. -