Ennio Morricone - Filmography, movie ratings, news, forum, posters, photographs, and links from Rotten Tomatoes. - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/p/ennio_morricone/
Ennio Morricone: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Review for TheCelebrityCafe.com of a new release of the classic anti-western soundtrack. - http://thecelebritycafe.com/cd/full_review/10750.html
Armagan's Morricone Page - Offers more than 200 short sound clips from Morricone's works. These clips categorized in an idiosyncratic and humorous way with reference to Borges. - http://mimoza.marmara.edu.tr/~acakir/My%20Morricone%20Page.htm
Ennio Morricone: Film Composer - Entry from mfiles with biographical sketch, partial filmography, recommended recordings, and links. - http://www.mfiles.co.uk/Composers/Ennio-Morricone.htm
Ennio Morricone Redux by Alan Bishop - Overview and analysis of the entire body of works composed for westerns with personal preferences and ratings included. - http://www.furious.com/perfect/morricone.html