Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov - Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary article with life, works, catalogue, relationship with other composers, and photographs, including one with Ljadov and Korsakov. -
Aleksandr Glazunov - Filmography noting movies based upon or using his music from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). -
Aleksandr Glazunov (1865-1936) - Various vocal works with Cyrillic and transliterated texts from the Lied and Art Song Texts Page at REC Music. -
Glazunov, Alexander Konstantinovich - Biography showing him as one who united Russian and European music, being influenced by Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Borodin, and Taneyev. From the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio. -
Classical Music Archives: Glazunov - Music files offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists. -
Glazunov, Aleksandr - article includes pronunciation and premium resources from the Electric Library. -
MSN Learning & Research: Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich - Concise Encarta Encyclopedia article features his compositional career and his place among Russian nationalist composers. -
Glazunov, Alexander Konstantinovich (1865 - 1936), Russia - Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers. -