Fleischmann, Aloys - (1910-1992), Munich, Germany. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland. - http://www.cmc.ie/composers/composer.cfm?composerID=44
Furman, James - (1937-1989), Louisville, Kentucky. Pictures, biography, works, and letters. - http://www.candlewood.net/furman/index.html
Fridolfson, Ruben - (1933-1997), Oderjunga, Sweden. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/cf2eb914295c3d4c41256492002d2345!OpenDocument
Fortner, Wolfgang - (1907-1987), Leipzig, Germany. Picture, discography, and live performances on radio in Japan, from Oma-Q. - http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~oma-q/images/hobidx/wol0.htm
Flagello, Nicolas - (1928-1994) Biography, picture, works, CDs, and reviews. - http://www.flagello.com