Urquhart-Jones, David - Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=2991
Udow, Michael W. - Percussionist/composer. Picture and biography. - http://www.music.umich.edu/faculty_staff/udow.michael.lasso
Udell, Budd - Picture and biography. - http://www.kendormusic.com/composer/udell.htm
Utz, Christian - (1969- ), Munich, Germany. Picture, biography, publications, and works. - http://www.christianutz.net/
Uduman, Sohrab - (1962- ), Sri-Lanka. Picture, biography, and list of works, from the British Music Information Centre. - http://www.bmic.co.uk/Composers/cv_details.asp?ComposerID=2163
Uber, David - Biography from Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. - http://www.sai-national.org/phil/composers/duber.html
Ustvolskaya, Galina - (1919- ), Russia. Picture, biography, and discography from Musicweb. - http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/dec99/ustvolskaya.htm
Underhill, Owen - (1954- ), Regina, Saskatchewan. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/u_/Underhill_Owen.html
Ueno, Ken - Picture and biography from Minimum Security Composers Collective. - http://www.minimumsecurity.org/ken.html
Uehara, Kazuo - (1949- ), Osaka, Japan. Picture, biography, performances, main works, and installations. - http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/~ueharakz/
Ubieta, Enrique - Innovator of the school of harmony "Bimodalism," which represents a contemporary alternative to atonal styles of composition. - http://www.ubieta.com/