Turner, Paul - (1948- ) Picture, biography, and selected works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=742
Treloar, Phil - Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=980
Thwaites, Penelope - (1944- ), Chester, United Kingdom. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=911
Tahourdin, Peter - (1928- ), England. Picture and biography. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=389
Tiutiunnik, Katia - Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=3451
Travers, Cathie - Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=3431
Thorn, Benjamin - Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=247
Turnage, Mark-Anthony - (1960- ), England. Picture and biography, from Van Walsum Management. - http://www.vanwalsum.co.uk/artists/mat.php
Ticheli, Frank - Biography. - http://www.usc.edu/schools/music/private/faculty/ticheli.php
Tenreiro, Alfonso - (1965- ), Caracas, Venezuela. Biography, discussion of his style, curriculum vitae, works, and sound files. - http://www.elimer.com.ve/atenreiro/
Tedman, Keith - (1947- ), Bromley, England. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=composer.FA_dsp_biography&authpeopleid=2123&by=T
Tanner, David - (1950- ), England. Biography and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=composer.FA_dsp_biography&authpeopleid=4546&by=T
Tillis, Frederick C. - Includes biography, compositions, lectures, poetry and performances. - http://www.fredericktillis.com/
Tharaldson, Timothy - Biography and sound files. - http://www.timothytharaldson.com
Tal, Josef - (1910- ), Pinne, Poland. Picture and biography. - http://www.imi.org.il/composerInfo.asp?num=165
Turner, Kerry - Picture, biography, catalogue of works, and discography. - http://www.kerryturner.com
Theobald, Jim - (1950- ), Winchester, Massachusetts. Biography, list of works, and sound files. - http://mysite.verizon.net/jimtheob/
The Veljo Tormis Information Archive and Homepage - The pages on the modern Estonian composer Veljo Tormis. This site is regularly updated with recent CD releases and information on music publishers, concerts and broadcasts - http://www3.sympatico.ca/alan.teder/vtinfoarchive.htm
Thomas, Jason - Biography, music, photographs, and quotes. - http://www.jason-thomas.org
Taylor, Stephen Andrew - (1965- ), Illinois. Picture, biography, list of works, and performances. - http://www-camil.music.uiuc.edu:16080/faculty/taylor/
Thompson, Lesleigh - (1966- ), Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Picture and biography, from the Melbourne Composers' Association. - http://www.melbournecomposersleague.org/thompson.htm
Tod, Will - (1970- ) Picture, biography, list of works, reviews, sound files, and recordings. - http://www.tyalgumpress.com
Tsontakis, George - Picture and biography, from Theodore Presser. - http://www.presser.com/Composers/info.cfm?Name=GEORGETSONTAKIS
Tyk, Kel - (1966- ) Biography and sound files. - http://users.adelphia.net/~keltyk/
Tautenhahn, Gunther - Where to find biographies, works, performances, recordings, and scores. - http://www.gt-music.com/
Taylor, Robert - (1931- ), computer music composer. Biography, sound files, and two essays on the composer's musical views and on the nature of musical systems. - http://users.rcn.com/robertt.nh.ultranet/Web-SitePg1.htm
Tipei, Sever - Picture and biography. - http://www.music.uiuc.edu/Faculty/asp/DirectoryResult.asp?Name=Tipei,+Sever+-+Composition-Theory
Taube, Heinrich - Picture and biography. - http://www.music.uiuc.edu/Faculty/asp/DirectoryResult.asp?Name=Taube,+Heinrich+-+Composition-Theory
Thornton, Martin - (1972- ) Composer of film scores, theatre soundtracks, and other music. - http://www.mosso.co.uk/
Takahashi, Yuri - (1938- ), Japan. Information about newspaper reviews and list of compositions from the Resource Center for Japanese Music - Composers. - http://www.musicfromjapan.org/resources/mfjc3.htm
Shri Gynanda Teertha - Official site of the composer of krithis, or songs, in praise of the Goddess Gayatri in Carnatic classical music style with bhakti raga laya. - http://ovrs.20m.com/
Tortiglione, Paolo - (Naples; 1965-) Official page of the composer and teacher with biography, publisher information, contacts, works, books and articles, academic courses, and downloads, including of MP3 audio files. [Italian and English.] - http://www.tortiglione.com/
Thompson, Robert Scott - Biography, press release, CD reviews, and available CDs. - http://www.aucourantrecords.com/rst
Tosic, Vladimir - (1949- ), Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Picture, biography, works, scores, audio files, discography, and events. - http://solair.eunet.yu/~dual/
Tavalin, Peter - Picture and biography, from Kalvos and Damian. - http://kalvos.org/tavalin.html
Timofeyew, Adelina Puccini - Biography from Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. - http://www.sai-national.org/phil/composers/atimofey.html
Tashjian, Charmian - Biography and compositions, from Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. - http://www.sai-national.org/phil/composers/bctashji.html
Trythall, Richard - Picture, biography, recordings, list of works, and reviews. - http://www.richardtrythall.com/
Teitelbaum, Richard - (1939- ), New York City. Biography. - http://inside.bard.edu/~teitelba/
Taub, Bruce - (1948- ), New York City. Picture, biography, prizes and awards, reviews, list of works, performances, program notes, and scores. - http://www.brucetaub.com/
Tarantino, Todd - Picture, biography, and compositions. - http://www.toddtarantino.com/
Twa, Andrew - (1919- ), Wolsey, Saskatchewan. Picture, biography, and selected works. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/p_/Twa_Andrew.html
Turrin, Joseph - (1947- ) Biography and works, from Classical Composers Database. - http://utopia.knoware.nl/~jsmeets/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=turrin
Turner, Robert - (1920-1998), Montréal, Québec. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/p_/Turner_Dr._Robert.html
Tuominen, Harri - (1944- ) Picture, curriculum vitae, and list of works, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/tuominen+harri
Tuomela, Tapio - (1958- ), Helsinki, Finland. Profile and articles, curriculum vitae, list of works, discography, and photographs, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/tuomela+tapio
Tsoupaki, Calliope - (1963- ), Piraeus, Greece. Picture and biography from Other Minds. - http://www.otherminds.org/shtml/Tsoupaki.shtml
Truhlar, Jan - (1928- ), Prague, Czech Republic. Biography and list of works, from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/comp/truhlar.htm
Tremblay, Marc - (1960- ) Picture, biography, and discography, from electrocd.com. - http://www.electrocd.com/bio.e/tremblay_ma.html
Tremblay, Jacques - (1962- ) Picture, biography, and discography, from electrocd.com. - http://www.electrocd.com/bio.e/tremblay_ja.html
Tremblay, Gilles - (1932- ), Arvida, Québec. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/p_/Tremblay_Gilles.html
Trbojevic, Jovanka - (1963- ), Montenegro. Picture, profile and articles, list of works, and discography, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/trbojevic+jovanka
Tittle, Steve - (1935- ), Ohio. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/p_/Tittle_Steve.html
Thomas, Michael Tilson - (1944- ), Los Angeles, California. Picture and biography of conductor-composer Thomas from G. Schirmer. - http://www.schirmer.com/composers/tilson_thomas_bio.html
Tikka, Kari - (1946- ), Siilinjärvi, Finland. Picture, curriculum vitae, list of works, and discography, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/tikka+kari
Tiensuu, Jukka - (1948- ),Finland. Profile and articles, list of works, discography, and photographs, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/tiensuu+jukka
Thow, John - Picture and biography. - http://ls.berkeley.edu/dept/music/Thow.html
Truax, Barry - Picture, biography, interview, list of works, discography, and compositional techniques. - http://www.sfu.ca/~truax/
Théberge, Paul - (1953- ), Brunswick, Maine. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/p_/Theberge_Paul.html
Thomas, Janet Owen - (1961- ), Crosby, Liverpool, England. Picture, biography, list of works, and performances. - http://www.janetowenthomas.com/
Teruggi, Daniel - Biography and list off works, from CDeMusic. - http://www.cdemusic.org/artists/teruggi.html
Teml, Jiri - (1935- ), Vimperk, Czech Republic. Biography and selected works, from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/comp/teml.htm
Tarmakov, Roussi - (1949- ), Malko Tirnovo, Bulgaria. Music and biography, from the Classical Composers Database. - http://utopia.knoware.nl/~jsmeets/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=tarmakov
Tamusuza, Justinian - (1951- ), Kibisi, Uganda. Picture, biography, and published instrumental compositions. - http://www.internationalopus.com/Tamusuza.html
Talvitie, Riikka - (1970- ), Vantaa, finland. Curriculum vitae, list of works, discography, bibliography, and photographs, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/talvitie+riikka
Tamberg, Eino - (1930- ), Estonia. Biography and works, from edition49. - http://www.zzz.ee/edition49/composers/e_tamberg/index.htm
Tallgren, Johan - (1971- ), Helsinki, Finland. Profile and articles, curriculum vitae, list of works, bibliography, and photographs, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/tallgren+johan
Takacs, Jenö - (1902- ), Siegendorf, Burgenland, Austria. Biography, Premiers, works, and photographs, from Universal Edition. - http://www.universaledition.com/truman/en_templates/view.php3?f_id=166&spr=en
Thome, Diane - Picture, biography, and sound files. - http://faculty.washington.edu/dthome/
Top, Ruud - Composer of music for piano and harpsichord. - http://home.hccnet.nl/rj.top
Tilton, Chris - (1979- ), New Orleans, Louisiana. Includes MIDI and MP3 samples of works, a message board, and news. - http://www.christilton.com
Thorne, Nicholas - (1953- ), Copenhagen, Denmark. Includes article and key works. - http://www.schirmer.com/composers/thorne_bio.html
Thomas, Augusta Read - (1964- ), New York City. Picture, biography, recordings, awards and honors, premiers, performances of note, and interview. - http://www.augustareadthomas.com
Telnikoff, Alexander - (1967- ), Moscow, Russia. Provides information on the Russian composer and violinist, including catalogue of works, online scores, recording, and diary of events. - http://www.red-oct.u-net.com/home.htm
Talman, Jeff - (Vanishing Point 1.1) Soundspace installation recorded in St. Pauls Chapel at Columbia University. - http://www.mindspring.com/~jefftalman/