Olive, Vivienne - (1950- ), London, England. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=3440
Oosterbaan, André - (1947- ), Amsterdam, Holland. Biography and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=3308
O'Quinn, David - Compositions with scores and sound using Sibelius Music, and links. - http://www.sibeliusmusic.com/cgi-bin/user_page.pl?url=DOQuinn
Ouellette, Antoine - (1960- ), Montréal, Québec. Picture, biography, list of works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=composer.FA_dsp_biography&authpeopleid=11543&by=O
Orton, Richard - (1940- ), Derby, England. Picture, biography, works, commissions, recordings, and news, from Unique Music. - http://www.uniqmusic.co.uk/
Oliver, John - (1959- ), Vancouver, British Columbia. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=composer.FA_dsp_biography&authpeopleid=9191&by=O
Orgad, Ben-Zion - (1926- ), Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Picture and biography, from the Israel Music Institute. - http://www.imi.org.il/composerInfo.asp?num=118
Osborne, Nigel - (1948- ) Picture and biography. - http://www.music.ed.ac.uk/Contacts/Profile/NOsborne-Profile.htm
O'Leary, Jane - (1946- ), Hartford, Connecticut. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland. - http://www.cmc.ie/composers/composer.cfm?composerID=95
O'Connell, Kevin - (1958- ), Derry, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland. - http://www.cmc.ie/composers/oconnell.html
O'Farrell, Anne Marie - (1966- ), Dublin, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland. - http://www.cmc.ie/composers/ofarrell.html
Oehring, Helmut - (1961- ), Berlin, Germany. Biography from Boosey & Hawkes. - http://www.boosey.com/pages/cr/composer/composer_main.asp?composerid=17585
O'Leary, Martin - (1963- ), Dublin, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland. - http://www.cmc.ie/composers/olearym.html
Orr, Robin - (1909- ), Brechin, England. Picture, biography, list of works, and performances. - http://www.scottishmusiccentre.com/robin_orr/
Ocana, Anthony - (1980- ), Santiago, Dominican Republic. Pictures, biography, news, and sound files. - http://www.anthonyocana.com
Olivero, Betty - (1954- ), Tel Aviv, Israel. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs. - http://www.olivero.co.il/
Oppedisano, Marco - (1971- ) Picture, biography, selected works with sound files and information, from Vox Novus. - http://www.voxnovus.com/composer/Marco_Oppedisano.htm
Orgee, Andy - (1958- ) Picture, biography, compositions, performances, and audio files. - http://freespace.virgin.net/andy.orgee/index.htm
Oesterle, Michael - (1968- ), Ulm, Germany. Picture, biography, and works. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/k_/Oesterle_Michael.html
Orlovich, Matthew - (1970- ), Sydney, Australia. Picture, biography, compositions, recordings, performances, and press. - http://www4.tpgi.com.au/morlovic
Ornstein, Leo - (1892-2002) Picture and biography, from Other Minds. - http://www.otherminds.org/shtml/Ornstein.shtml
Owens, Terry Winter - Picture, biography, commissions and awards, performances, and list of works, from the American Music Center. - http://www.terrywinterowens.com/
Ostertag, Bob - (1957- ), Albuquerque, New Mexico. Biography, CDs, photographs, and reviews. - http://detritus.net/ostertag/
Olofsson, Kent - (1962- ), Karlskrona, Sweden. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/653f8e12f014bac541256492002d3550!OpenDocument
Orenstein, Joyce E. - List of works from New York Women Composers. - http://www.notam02.no/~cecilieo/bio.html
Ottzen, Susan - Composer, classical and jazz harpist, and teacher. Picture, biography, and sound files. - http://www.mindspring.com/~ottzen/index.html
O'Neill, Nicholas - (1970- ), Cheltenham, England. Picture, biography, selected works, and sound file, from the British Composers World Wide Web Project. - http://www.composer.co.uk/composers/oneill.html
Olsen, Tim - (1961- ), St. Paul, Minnesota. Biography, works, and events, from Vischer Ferry Music Publishing Co. - http://vfmusic.bizland.com/
Oliver, Harold - (1942- ) Includes biographical sketch, a catalog of his compositions, scores and sound files, and a brief essay. - http://users.rowan.edu/~oliver/
Oja, Esko - (1973- ), Tallinn, Estonia. Picture, biography, and works, from edition49. - http://www.zzz.ee/edition49/composers/e_oja/index.htm
Odstrcil, Karel - (1930- ), Valaske Mezirici, Czech Republic. Biography and selected works from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/comp/odstrcil.htm
Ocker, David - (1951- ) Picture, biography, about the music, list of works, and about 'Pynchon,' from Leissure Music Planet. - http://www.leisureplanetmusic.com/composer/ocker/bio.htm
Obrovska, Jana - (1930- ), Prague, Czech Republic. Biography and selected works, from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/comp/obrovska.htm