Janssens, Robert - Belgian composer and conductor. Biography and sound samples, from New Consonant Music. - http://www.newconsonantmusic.com/composers/janssens_robert.php
Joseph, Tommy - (1960- ), Cyprus. Biography and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=660
Jones, Trevor - (1932- ), Sydney, Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=702
Jones, Anthony Linden - (1959- ), Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=1187
Jones, Matthew Dylan - (1961- ), Perth, Australia. Biography and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=4865
Joseph, David - (1954- ), Melbourne, Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recoordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=447
Jurth, Attila F. - (1945- ), Budapest, Hungary. Biography and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre. - http://www.amcoz.com.au/composers/composer.asp?id=900
Jamieson, Douglas - (1949- ), Cambridge, Ontario. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=composer.FA_dsp_biography&authpeopleid=5571&by=J
Jaeger, David - (1947- ), Green Bay, Wisconsin. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=composer.FA_dsp_biography&authpeopleid=490&by=J
Jack , Dagmara - Biography, News, Works and links - http://www.dagmarajack.de
Joy, Jérôme - (1961- ), Nantes, France. Picture, biography, and discussion of his compositional philosophy. - http://homestudio.thing.net/#
Jang, Jon - Biography and sound file, from Other Minds. - http://www.otherminds.org/shtml/Jang.shtml
Joseph, Dan - Picture, biography, concerts, recordings, and list of works. - http://www.danjoseph.org/
Johnston, Fergus - (1959- ), Dublin Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland. - http://www.cmc.ie/composers/composer.cfm?composerID=69
Jex, David - Biography. - http://www153.pair.com/bensav/Compositeurs/Jex.D.html
Jenks, Alden - Picture and biography. - http://www.sfcm.edu/faculty/jenks.aspx
Jackson, Nicholas - Biography, works, scores, sound files, and CDs. - http://www.jacksonmusic.co.uk
Jackson, Gabriel - (1962- ), Bermuda. Picture, biography, and list of works, from the British Music Information Centre. - http://www.bmic.co.uk/composers/cv_details.asp?ComposerID=1159
Jang, So Young - Biography, curriculum vitae, descriptions of some works. - http://www.soyoung.us
Jansson, Gunnar - (1944- ), Helsingborg, Sweden. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/1de7ac0eceb908f741256492002d2a1d!OpenDocument
Johanson, Bryan - Biography from Gagliano Recordings. - http://www.gaglianorecordings.com/johanson.html
Johnson, Evan - (1980- ) Pictures, biography, compositions, and sound files, from Kalvos and Damian. - http://kalvos.org/johnsoe.html
Jenni, D. Martin - (1937- ) Biography and compositions, from Sigma alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. - http://www.sai-national.org/phil/composers/dmjenni.html
Jennefelt, Thomas - (1954- ), Huddings, Sweden. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/abcb740cea53e59041256492002d2a68!OpenDocument
Jordanova, Victoria - Picture, biography, discography, and reviews. - http://home.earthlink.net/~victoriajordanova/
Johanson, Sven-Eric - (1919-1997), Västervik, Sweden. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/103980d512b0ec7741256492002d2a97!OpenDocument
Jeverud, Johan - (1962- ), Farsta, Sweden. Picture and biography from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/cd923165669156b541256492002d2a83!OpenDocument
Jeppsson, Kerstin - (1948- ), Nyköping, Sweden. Picture and biography, from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/8ff57708f08c57f341256492002d2a6f!OpenDocument
Jansson, Johannes - (1950- ), Stockholm, Sweden. Picture and biography from the Swedish Music Information Center. - http://www.mic.stim.se/avd/mic/prod/personer.nsf/a7137b1c99bbacbe4125656a00368f66/12ec05f49b54dfbb41256492002d2a21!OpenDocument
Juzeliunas, Julius - (1916- ), Lithuania. Picture, biography, and list of works, from the Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre. - http://www.mic.lt/c_juzeliunas.htm
Jaffe, David A. - (1955- ), New Jersey. Picture, biography, works, discography, sound samples, and writings. - http://www.jaffe.com/
Järvlepp, Jan - (1953- ), Ottawa, Canada. Biography, news, photographs, works, and sound samples. - http://www.janjarvlepp.com/
Joubert, John - (1927- ), Cape Town, South Africa. Picture, biography, and selected works, from Musicweb (UK). - http://www.musicweb.uk.net/joubert/
Josephs, Wilfred - (1927-1997), England. Picture and biography. from Musicweb (UK). - http://www.musicweb.uk.net/josephs/
Jones, Robert Frederick - (1947- ), Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Biography, selkected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/f_/Jones_Robert_Frederick.html
Jones, David - Picture, biography, and CDs. - http://arts.ucsc.edu/faculty/jones/
Jokinen, Erkki - (1941- ), Tervakoski, Finland. Picture, biography, curriculum vitae, list of works, and discography, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/jokinen+erkki
Johnson, Scott - (1952- ), Madison, Wisconsin. Biography from the Classical Composers Database. - http://utopia.knoware.nl/~jsmeets/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=johnson
Jones, Stuart - (1964- ), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Includes picture, biography, list of works, recordings, and sample scores. - http://www.bhmusic.com
Johnson, Tom - (1939- ), Colorado. Picture, biography, catalog, CDs, books, articles and lectures, and sound files, from Editions 75. - http://www.tom.johnson.org/English/bioenglish.html
Johnson, Douglas - (1949- ), Oakland, California. Pictures, biography, and sound files. - http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/musc/doug.htm
Jones, Kelsey - (1922- ) Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/f_/Jones_Kelsey.html
Johansen, Irene - (1958- ), Drumheller, Alberta. Picture and biography from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/f_/Johansen_Irene.html
Joachim, Otto - (1910- ), Düsseldorf, Germany. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/f_/Joachim_Otto.html
Job, Lynn - Composer, author, publisher, and scholar. Includes audio and visual samples and news. - http://buckthornstudios.com
Jirasek, Ivo - (1920- ), Prague, Czech Republic. Biography and selected works from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/comp/jiraseki.htm
Jirackova, Marta - (1932- ), Kladno, Czech Republic. Biography and selected works, from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/comp/jirackov.htm
Jerabek, Pavel - (1948- ), Prague, Czech Republic. Biography and selected compositions, from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/comp/jerabek.htm
Jeths, Willem - (1959- ), Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Picture, biography, works, recordings, and reviews. - http://www.willemjeths.com/index2.html
Jean, Monique - (1960- ), Caraquet, New Brunswick. Picture and biography from electrocd.com. - http://www.electrocd.com/bio.e/jean_mo.html
Jarvinen, Arthur - (1956- ) Biography, words about the music, list of works, and discography, from Leisure Planet Music. - http://www.leisureplanetmusic.com/composer/jarvinen/bio.htm
Jasenka, Antanas - (1965- ) Picture, biography , and works, from the Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre. - http://www.mic.lt/c_jasenka.htm
Janow, Steven - (1973- ), Rhinebeck, New York. Includes biography, list of works, and resume. - http://www.home.earthlink.net/~janow/musicWebPage/index.html
Janke, Daniel - (1957- ) Biography and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre. - http://www.musiccentre.ca/CMC/dac_rca/eng/f_/Janke_Daniel.html
Janovicky, Karel - (1930- ), Pilsen, Czech Republic. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Czech Music Information Project. - http://www.musica.cz/janovicky/index.html
Jalkanen, Pekka - (1945- ), Rautalampi, Finland. Biography, curriculum vitae, list of works, discography, bibliography, and photographs, from the Finnish Music Information Centre - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/jalkanen+pekka
Jalava, Pertti - (1960- ), Turku, Finland. Picture, biography, curriculum vitae, and list of works, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/jalava+pertti
Jalbert, Pierre - Picture, biography, commissions and performances, composition awards, list of compositions, and events. - http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jalbert/
Jalava, Lasse - (1951- ) List of works and discography, from the Finnish Music Information Centre. - http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/jalava+lasse
Jakoulov, Jakov - (1958- ), Moskow. Picture, biogra;hy, and list of works, from Artona. - http://www.artona.org/Jakoulov.html