Barber, Samuel - Brief biography and caricature with short synopses of his orchestral, vocal, stage, chamber, and piano music and recommended Naxos recordings. -
Samuel Barber - Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with life, works, links, and MIDI audio file. -
SFBC: Samuel Barber - Brief biography and list of his pieces performed by the San Francisco Bach Choir. Includes texts, translations, and some commentary. -
Classical Music Archives: Barber - Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. -
Grave of Samuel Barber - Find A Grave photograph of the composer's burial place with available map to the Westchester, Pennsylvania site. Link to the cemetery shows other notables sharing his resting place. -
Barber, Samuel (1910 - 1981), United States - Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers. -
Samuel Osborne Barber - Essay from PBS series I Hear America Singing includes RAM and WAV files of Sure on This Shining Night. -
M.L.A. Obituary Index--Barber, Samuel - Obituary and dictionary citations. -