U2 The End Of The World - Concert of the month download and trading list. - http://www.u2theendoftheworld.co.uk
U2 - Concerts Vault - A collection of U2 concerts in MP3 and Realaudio formats. - http://pages.infinit.net/steverod/u2/
Poptart.de - Several rare U2 MP3-songs, plus lyrics - http://www.poptart.de
U2Audio.com - Current Mp3s, RealAudio, and RealVideo of U2. - http://www.u2audio.com
Negativland Samples - Includes a copy of the 1991 recording "U2/Negativland" that got the latter band in a heap of legal trouble with both bands' labels. (Warning: contains very strong language and Casey Kasem.) - http://www.negativland.com/audio.html