Pitchfork: Tortoise - Standards - Matt LeMay's review: "by far the most intense, compelling, and memorable Tortoise has released to date." Rated 9.2. - http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/22631
Metacritic: Standards - Multiple critic and user reviews of the Tortoise album. - http://www.metacritic.com/music/artists/tortoise/standards
Tortoise - Standards - Jonathon Leonard's review: "every track on this album has something to recommend it." Rated 4 out of 5. - http://www.leonardslair.co.uk/standards.htm
Almost Cool: Tortoise - Standards - Aaron Coleman's review: "Overall, the album probably isn't going to let you down if you're a fan of Tortoise." Rated 7.5. - http://www.almostcool.org/mr/t/t21mu.html