DisasterPeace - Biography, discography, band member profiles, wallpapers, fonts, and pictures. - http://users.belgacom.net/jdw/
BlackGoat - Downloads, news, 900+ pictures, MP3s, full videos, song meanings, tablatures, and information about side-projects. - http://www.black-goat.com/
Come Play Dying - A fansite dedicated to Slipknot containing news, photos, logos, audio, and video. - http://www.slipknotcpd.com/
Slipknot Subliminal - Pictures, lyrics, member profiles, discography, interviews, and tablature. - http://www.rhbr33526.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/sublim.htm
The Sickness Abyss - Includes biographies, lyrics, pictures, audio, video and links. - http://members.internettrash.com/sic_one/