Flatbed Gallery - Bob Schneider's personal artwork. - http://www.flatbedpress.com/Artist-Detail.cfm?ArtistsID=497
Bob Schneider's the Other Side - Yahoo! club includes, photo gallery, briefcase, chat feature, and links. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bobschneiderstheotherside/
Music Match: Bob Schneider Making Noise - Five page interview transcript, audio download, biography, photos, and album information. - http://www.mmguide.musicmatch.com/whatsup/whatsup.cgi?EID=15911827&MID=1030103&s=makingnoise&a=0801_bob
Bob Schneider Music - Official website. Includes biography, audio journal, tour dates and message board. - http://www.bobschneidermusic.com/
Bob Schneider Lyrics Archive - Discography, photo gallery, and lyrics to current and past projects. - http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~wbova/bsla/