Pitchfork Review: Meco - The Best of...: - Review by Ryan Schreiber, rated 7.9. "This makes for a great listen when you're aching for some electro- kitsch." - http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/19807
Mos SkyJammer: Meco - Dance Your Asteroid's Off - In depth review of the Meco CD by Phil Zeman. "...it's nice to have versions of songs that were up until now unavailable on CD..." - http://www.skyjammer.com/sw-ep1/mecocd.html
Pop-Culture-Corn: Meco - Dance Your Asteroids Off - Review by Matt Springer, 4 of 5 cheerios. "There isn't a bad track on Dance Your Asteroids Off, but there isn't really a good track, either, and that's what makes it a priceless gem." - http://www.popculturecorn.com/music/issues/apr00/review-meco.html