Push Me Away.com
- Has tour dates, lyrics, discography, song secrets, MP3 files, pictures, fan art, press articles, and links.
- http://www.pushmeaway.com/
Linkin Park Mania - Everything you need to know about Linkin Park: pictures, lyrics, forums, and news. - http://www.linkinparkmania.uni.cc/
Linkin Lyrics - Fan site. Contains all lyrics and biography. - http://www.linkinlyrics.741.com/
The Linkin Park Fansite - Fansite with biography, discography, photos, newsletter and forum - http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7dvh5/thelinkinparkfansite/
Linkin Park Twenty Four Seven - Pictures, messageboard, and newsletter. - http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/FoLP/
Adrian's Linkin Park Web - Band members information, discography, lyrics, guitar tablature, pictures and links. - http://fc.webz.cz/
Linkin Park Alliance - Contains news, tour schedule, biography, profiles, fan art, fan encounters, trading post, and links. [Requires Flash] - http://www.lpalliance.net/