Taylor Hicks
- The official J-records site.
- http://taylorhicks.com
New England Soul Patrol - The Taylor Hicks fan club of New England. - http://www.newenglandsoulpatrol.org
Tay-Online - Fansite including biography, discography, videography, concert schedule, pictures, media articles and reviews. - http://www.tay-online.com
E! Online - A Taylor Made "Idol" Finale - Reporter Sarah Halls says the Soul Patrol found a cure for McPheever. - http://www.eonline.com/news/article/index.jsp?uuid=abccddd0-8e99-4e5e-8f99-38eee36bb7d8
The Taylor Hicks Experience Continues - Writer Cindy Wright talks to fans about Taylor Hicks' parallels to Elvis. - http://www.quazen.com/Society/People/The-Taylor-Hicks-Experience-Continues.1221
Billboard: Sir, Indeed You Make Us Proud - Writer Katie Hasty reports that the overwhelming majority of Billboard readers love the silver haired Hicks. - http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1002952235
Associated Content - The Taylor Hicks Experience - Columnist Cindy Wright sums up Hicks' musical journey to date. - http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/47595/the_taylor_hicks_experience.html
Malay Mail - No More Hicks-Cups for Taylor - Reporter Shuhaidah Saharani gives commentary on an interview with Hicks. - http://www.mmail.com.my/Current_News/mm/Weekend/WeekBuzz/20060624104011/Article/index_html
Mobile Register - SNL Spoofs Taylor Hicks - Columnist Mike Brantley gives a play by play of the spoof, and comments on Hicks' ever-growing popularity. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/tv/mobileregister/mbrantley.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/1145351707170180.xml&%3bcoll=3
Mobile Register - Hicks Eyes Idol Top 10 - Columnist Mike Brantley details Hicks' quest for Idol fame. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/tv/mobileregister/mbrantley.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/1143023036221780.xml&%3bcoll=3
The Birmingham News - Living the 'Idol' Life - Mary Colurso interview's Taylor's parent, Brad and Linda Hicks. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/tv/birminghamnews/index.ssf%3f/base/living/1147771251318670.xml&%3bcoll=2
The Birmingham News - Wacky Charisma Gives Hicks an Edge on Idol - Columnist Mary Colurso reports on an interview with executive producer Ken Warwick, who calls Hicks a force to be reckoned with. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/music/birminghamnews/mcolurso.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/1146215987162180.xml&%3bcoll=2
The Birmingham News - Hicks' Goldfish Make Big Splash on Web - Mary Colurso reports on Ray and Lamont, Hicks' now famous goldfish. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/music/birminghamnews/mcolurso.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/11444015268520.xml&%3bcoll=2
The Press Reigster - Hicks Stays Alive on Idol - Media Editor Mike Brantley reports on the comment from producer David Foster that Hicks has charisma. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/entertainment/mobileregister/index.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/1146129350248160.xml&%3bcoll=3
The Birmingham News - Dreams Do Come True in Alabama - Staff writer Mary Colurso reports on Hicks' whirlwind homecoming. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/entertainment/birminghamnews/index.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/11475120386960.xml&%3bcoll=2
The Birmingham News - Talking About Taylor - Staff writer Mary Colurso interviews Taylor and reports on other celebrities who are endorsing him. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/entertainment/birminghamnews/index.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/1145351722170190.xml&%3bcoll=2
The Birmingham News - Inside Taylor Hicks - Staff writer, Mary Colurso, reports biographical tidbits and trivia. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/entertainment/birminghamnews/index.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/1143541211107710.xml&%3bcoll=2
Birmingham News - Soul Patrolman - Historical and biographical article about Taylor Hicks. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/entertainment/birminghamnews/index.ssf%3f/base/entertainment/114051731135010.xml&%3bcoll=2
Everything Alabama - Taylor's Bachelor Pad - Photos of Hicks' apartment, including his goldfish, Ray and Lamont. - http://www.al.com/enter/index.ssf?/birminghamnews/photos/gallery.ssf%3fcgi-bin/view_gallery.cgi/bama/view_gallery.ata%3fg_id=1695
People Magazine - Hottest Bachelors - Taylor Hicks named as America's #1 Hottest Bachelor. - http://people.aol.com/people/packages/0,19939,1201344,00.html
The Cincinnati Enquirer - Going Gray has Silver Lining - Staff writer Lauren Bishop predicts that the Silver Fox will not change his trademark locks. - http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060603/LIFE/606030335/1086
Taylor Hicks has that 'Extra Something Special' - Columnist Susan Reinhardt reports that grey has become the new blonde, thanks to Hicks. - http://www.gainesvilletimes.com/news/stories/20060606/localnews/101067.shtml
Taylor Hicks Ringtones - Fansite providing free downloadable ringtones of Hicks' music for cellular phones. - http://www.taylorhicksringtones.com/
"Taylor Hicks, My Idol" Scrapbook - A fan tribute to Hicks in music and pictures. - http://community.webtv.net/bloomtaliercio/TAYLORHICKSMY/
WHTZ Interview - New York radio station, Z100's, interview including the panties remarks and Dial Idol comments. - http://a1135.g.akamai.net/f/1135/18227/1h/cchannel.download.akamai.com/18227/podcast/NEWYORK-NY/WHTZ-FM/Taylor_Hicks.mp3
JAM! Television - Taylor Has Tips for 'Canadian Idol' - Steve Tilley interviews Hicks, who gives hints and tips for contestants on the upcoming CI. - http://jam.canoe.ca/Television/TV_Shows/A/American_Idol/2006/05/27/1600598.html
Mobile Register - New Idol Ponders the Road - Columnist Mike Brantley reports on the near and distant future for Hicks, and on his quest for musical integrity. - http://www.al.com/tv/mobileregister/mbrantley.ssf?/base/entertainment/114880833044810.xml&coll=3
The Electric New Paper - Eat Your Words, Simon Cowell - Singapore columnist, Sophie Willocq, reports on Hicks' AI win and Cowell's efforts to derail him. - http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/show/story/0,4136,107374,00.html
TIME - Taylor Hicks' Biggest Fan? - Elaine Shannon reports that Condi Rice was among the millions who watched the American Idol finale — and her man won. - http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1198331,00.html
Taylored to Win - Fansite forums. - http://taylormadeonline.org
Taylor Made Soul - A fansite including forums, audio, video, artwork, and stories. - http://taylormadesoul.com/
The Star Ledger - 'Idol' Worship: The Pick is Hicks - TV critic Alan Sepinwall proclaims "Game over. It's Taylor." - http://www.nj.com/columns/ledger/alltv/index.ssf?/base/columns-0/1148449797129290.xml&coll=1
CBS News - Cowell Picks Hicks To Win 'Idol' - "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell said Monday that Taylor Hicks is now the favorite to win the contest. - http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/17/entertainment/main1623207.shtml
BostonHerald.com - Hicks Should be Soul Survivor - Columnist Lauren Beckham Falcone urges Americans to reward talent, not technique; and to embrace soul, not style. - http://theedge.bostonherald.com/tvNews/view.bg?articleid=140371
Hicks Fics - A fanfiction community devoted to Taylor Hicks. - http://community.livejournal.com/hicks_fics/
Taylor Hicks' Soul Patrol - Photos, news, and chatter about the AI5 contestant. - http://community.livejournal.com/taylor_hicks/
Crossville Chronicle - Hicks is Taylor-made for "Idol" - Editor Michael R. Moser says that Hicks is the full entertainment package, using his whole body as an instrument. - http://www.crossville-chronicle.com/columns/local_story_131152024.html?keyword=topstory
DeRidder Beauregard Daily News: It's Show Time - Staff writer Hattie Sherrick says Fox should just forgo the rest of the season and start throwing confetti at Taylor right now, because he has it in the bag. - http://www.deridderdailynews.com/articles/2006/05/07/news/news5.txt
SoulStock 2006 - Information and central gathering point for SoulStock 2006, the Birmingham, Alabama viewing party for the AI5 finale. - http://www.soulstock06.com
Lyrics to Taylor Hicks' Songs - From "In Your Time", "Under the Radar", bootleg, and AI5 performances. In a blog format. - http://myidol.americanidol.com/blogs/Hicks_Lyrics
The Auburn Plainsman Online - Local Spotlight: - Auburn University staff writer Napo Monasterio reports on Taylor's band, Fletch. - http://www.auburn.edu/student_info/plainsman/archives/99FA/1118/1118ilsfletch.html
East Coast Artists: Taylor Hicks - Booking agency biography and playlist. - http://www.eastcoastentertainment.com/artist.php?artistid=3390
Taylor Hicks Fan Club - Fansite providing videos, music, lyrics, pictures, forums, and biographical information. - http://taylorhicksfan.com
MySpace Groups: Taylor Hicks Soul Patrol - On online forum and email group for American Idol 5 contestant Taylor Hicks. - http://groups.myspace.com/TaylorHicksSoulPatrol
Taylor Hicks Fans - Fan site providing news, biographical information, interviews, and reviews. - http://www.taylor-hicks-fans.com/
Little Memphis Blues Orchestra - Tour and biographical information for LMBO, Taylor Hicks' band. - http://www.myspace.com/littlememphisbluesorchestra
Yahoo! Groups: Taylor_Hicks_AI5 - A high-volume email group for fans of Taylor Hicks. - http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/Taylor_Hicks_AI5/
Wade on Birmingham - Taylor Hicks Interview - An interview with Birmingham native and American Idol 5 hopeful, Taylor Hicks. - http://wadeonbirmingham.com/2006/02/17/exclusive-taylor-hicks-soul-man/
NPR News - Taylor Hicks - Brief biography and archiving of appearances on NPR. - http://www.wbhm.org/Tapestry/bands/TaylorHicks.html
Laser's Edge: Taylor Hicks - Ordering information from the official distributor for Taylor's "Under the Radar" CD. - http://www.lasersedgecd.com/hicks_taylor.html
TaylorMade - Fan forums dedicated to Taylor Hicks. - http://s15.invisionfree.com/TaylorMade