Everclear Bass Tabs - Tablature for the band's songs. - http://www.bassmasta.net/e/everclear/
Matt's Music Page: Everclear - Images, sounds, lyrics, videos, banners, and guitar tablatures. - http://www.mattsmusicpage.com/neverclea.htm
Hungry and Hollow: Everclear - Studio news, solo appearances, RIAA status, biographies, chronology, MP3s, video clips, desktop themes, skins, and covers of the band's music. - http://www.hungryandhollow.com/
Everclear Lyrics - Lyrics from the first three albums. - http://www.lyrics.co.nz/everclear/
White Lightning: Everclear - News, tour information, concert chronology, FAQ, discography, memorabilia, and multimedia. - http://www.whitelightning.org/