Hollywood.com - Storytelling - Features synopsis, locations, statistics, cast and crew, cast and role, and contact information. - http://www.hollywood.com/movies/detail/id/374177
IMDb: Storytelling (2001) - Plot summary, cast and crew information, trailer, and user comments. - http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0250081/
Flipside Movie Emporium: Storytelling - Positive review by Michael B. Scrutchin, who calls the film "a comedy of the bleakest variety." - http://www.flipsidemovies.com/storytelling.html
HARO Online: Storytelling - Movie review and pictures. - http://www.haro-online.com/movies/storytelling.html
EW.com: Storytelling - Movie review and news. - http://www.ew.com/ew/article/review/movie/0,6115,199787~1~0~storytelling,00.html