Michigan Star Wars Collectors Club - Star Wars info, local finds, meeting info, member trades, pictures, group yahoo message board. - http://yakface.com/mswcc/
Star Walking - The Star Wars Appreciation Society of Australia. Events, newsletter, links and contact information. - http://www.starwalking.net/
Heart of an Empire - Documentary about the global Star Wars fan group and Stormtrooper costume enthusiasts known as the "501st". - http://www.heartofanempire.com
Force Elite Soldiers - Gaming organization with news, events, servers, downloads and forums. - http://www.fesgaming.com
The Dark Brotherhood - Gaming club exploring the Dark Side of the Force. With news and roleplaying information. - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/
The Imperial Order - Online club. News and events, announcements, chat, member e-mail, gaming, archives and registration information. - http://www.imperialorder.org
Yahoo! Groups: Star Wars Series - Chat rooms and message boards for discussions. Registration is required to post articles and see pictures. - http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/dir/Entertainment___Arts/Movies/Genres/Science_Fiction_and_Fantasy/Series/Star_Wars_Series/
The Dark Jedi Order - Subgroup of the Imperial Order. IRC meetings, news, events, gaming links. - http://www.darkjediorder.org/
The Force Academy - Jedi training, lessons on the lightsaber, Jedi code and 3D rendered images. - http://www.forceacademy.com/
Matters of the Force - Independent non-profit group of Star Wars fans. - http://www.dm.net/~sf-motf/
Star Wars Unlimited Fan Club - Club constitution, fan fiction, and a chat trivia game. - http://www.swunlimited.net/
Emperor's Hammer - Organization of online gaming fans. Group information, news, staff, newsletters, subgroups, greeting cards, polls, message boards and chat. - http://www.emperorshammer.org/