Movie Forums: Spider-Man 2 - Chris Bowyer gives the film 4.5 out of 5 stars. -
Rotten Tomatoes - Spider-man 2 - The movie guide collects news articles and reviews on the sequel. Also includes a public forum -
Rpg Dreamers: Spider-Man 2 - Provides a dvd review, cast profiles, screenshots, and wallpapers. -
TEN Movies - Spider-Man 2 - Movie site's Spider-Man page with their review of the film. Information includes: cast, director, poster, photograph, and links to the trailer and homepage. -
Spider-Man 2 - Music and pop-culture site with their review of the Spider-Man 2 film. -
IMDb: Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Plot summary and cast and crew information. -
UGO: Spider-Man Hub - The Spider-Man Hub at UGO is an archive for Spider-Man movie related news, spoilers, gossip, rumors, events, and items. -
World of Movies: Spider-Man 2 - Includes film information, cast and crew, plot summary, comments, photograph galleries and links. -
Countingdown - Spider-man 2 - A movie news site dedicated to "counting down" till the second Spider-man film appears in theaters. -
Spider-Man Movies - Un-official news archive for the movie and its sequels; includes wallpaper downloads, photo gallery, trailer section, cast and crew stats, comics history, and newsletter. -
KillerMovies - Spider-Man 2 - Movie news and information on the next Spider-man motion picture. Includes trailers, pictures, and posters. -
Super Hero Hype - Spider-man 2 - An archive of news and information about the Spider-man movies. The site also covers the Marvel comic book series and events related to Spider-man. -