Apollo Movie Guide's Review of Six Degrees of Separation - Review by Erik Childress. "A brilliant success on the stage, Six Degrees of Separation translates seamlessly to the screen." - http://apolloguide.com/mov_fullrev.asp?CID=2859&Specific=781
Washington Post: Six Degrees of Separation - Review by Rita Kempley. "It's too clever by half, an inside joke aimed at the New York gentry." - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/movies/videos/sixdegreesofseparationrkempley_a0a3dd.htm
Deseret News: Six Degrees of Separation - Review by Chris Hicks. "There are those wonderful performances by the lead players - and especially Channing, who has been underused or misused most of her film career - and they make it fairly enjoyable entertainment." - http://deseretnews.com/movies/view/1,1257,1671,00.html
Movie Habit: Six Degrees of Separation - Review by Marty Apes. "Unless you're a true fan, there's no reason to run out and buy it, but this DVD is definitely worth a rental, both as a movie and as a disc." - http://www.moviehabit.com/reviews/six_ht00.shtml
BBC Films - Review: Six Degrees of Separation - Reviewed by Ben Falk. "A literate, wordy, and comparatively serious adaptation of a successful stage play." - http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2001/03/19/six_degrees_of_separation_1993_review.shtml
Movie-Vault.com: Six Degrees of Separation - Review by Megan Barnet. "This is a movie for individuals who want to be questioned and ask questions - who enjoy being immersed in an exploration of imagination and identity, and don't mind being left in that depth of thought long after the credits h - http://www.movie-vault.com/archive/cgi-bin/list.pl?action=moviereview&movieid=rlLFlgkoUcgaShTt