Dragon's Den UK - Review, by Andrew Saroch: "If you're not expecting a deep examination into Asia's politics then 'Purple Storm' is an absorbing and emotionally charged action-thriller that does more than just pass the time." [Score: 4 out of 5] - http://www.dragonsdenuk.com/reviews/purple_storm.htm
BBC - Review, by Almar Haflidason: "The styling is immaculate, the plot is tight, the acting less theatrical, and the special effects good." [Score: 4 out of 5] - http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2001/05/22/purple_storm_1999_review.shtml
Rotten Tomatoes: Purple Storm - Reviews, cast and crew lists, links, and a forum. - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/purple_storm/